Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Carrot-Ginger Soup

Hello all!! Been a while.  I hope everyone had a great Turkey day! Are ya'll ready for Christmas?  Christmas!! I cannot believe it's only 10 days away, so crazy! The time is just flying by.  None of this has anything to do with the recipe I am about to post but as I sit here in my kitchen looking at all my Christmas decor, I just can't help but think how it feels like the Holidays were just here!
Anyway, in the midst of all this crazy holiday business, here's a super yummy and quick soup you can whip up on those nights or days, you don't feel like spending a lot of time on a meal.
I love creamy soups and bisques and this hit the spot! I bought a bunch of carrots for beef stew but didn't end up making it so I decided I'd just make a carrot soup.  I had intentions on a carrot thai soup using coconut milk but forgot it at the store!! I swear, in my older age, if I don't make a list I will surely forget at least one item, dives me nuts! I luckily had some cream to help make it a bit smoother.  Cream is something that I went from never having in my fridge, to having all the time since Fall began...not complaining though.
The thyme and truffle oil really help give this a woodsy taste that goes great with this "cold" weather we are having here GA. And the greek yogurt is a cool compliment to the kick the cayenne gives.
3 large carrots (peeled and chopped into similar sized pieces)
1/2 shallot (thinly sliced)
1 garlic clove (roughly chopped)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tbsp ground ginger
Sprinkle of Paprika
2 sprigs thyme
2 1/2 -3 sups veggie stock
Splash of cream
Dolop of ff greek yogurt
Drizzle of olive oil
Truffle oil

  1. Drizzle olive oil in a soup pot over medium heat.
  2. Add shallot and garlic.  Saute until tender.
  3. Add veggie stock and carrots.  Bring to a low boil and then let simmer until carrots are tender.
  4. Once carrots are tender, turn off heat and let cool for about ten minutes.
  5. Using a blender or food processor, add mixture and blend until smooth.   
  6. Add mixture back to pot over low heat and add cayenne, ginger, a splash of cream and the leaves of 1 thyme sprig.  Stir together and let heat back up. 
  7. Serve with a dollop of greek yogurt, more thyme leaves, drizzle of truffle oil and a sprinkle of paprika on top.  

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