Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Roasted Cauliflower Mash and Acorn Squash topped with a Balsamic Reduction

Since Turkey Day is a mere two days away, I thought I'd share this extremely yummy (and different) side dish.  I REALLY love cauliflower mash! So much that I use a whole head and eat it all myself within 2 sittings.  I generally make it on its own but this last time I was cooking for just myself so I decided to umph it up.  I've made cauliflower mash before but never have I cooked acorn squash.  To be honest it was a pain in the ass to cut and cube but very tasty!
Although this dish ate like a vegetarian meal, you could totally have it as a side dish.  You can simply put the mash in a large serving dish, top it with the squash, then drizzle with balsamic reduction.
I had this for dinner and lunch the next day but broken down its probably about 4-6 servings.

I hope ya'll have a super Turkey Day with the ones you love and are most thankful for!! Gobble Gobble!!

1 head cauliflower
1 small yellow onion (sliced)
1 acorn squash (cubed)
1/4 Cup balsamic vinegar
Drizzle of olive oil
2 Tbsp butter
2/3 Cup veggie stock
Heavy splash of whipping cream
Several sprigs of thyme
Chili powder

  1. Cut your head of cauliflower in half.  Remove green leaves, and cut off as much of the stalks as possible, then pull apart and cut until you have them all separated.
  2. Link on how to properly cut an acorn squash: http://www.marthastewart.com/973767/how-cut-acorn-squash
  3. After you have your cauliflower and squash cut, place them on a large roasting pan; one on each side.
  4. Toss the cauliflower in olive oil, salt pepper and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper.
  5. Toss the squash with olive oil, sprinkle of cinnamon and chipotle powder.  
  6. Roast on 350 for about 30 min. 
  7. In the mean time, slice your onion then add it to a small sauce pan over medium heat with a drizzle of olive oil and 1 tbsp butter.  Cook the duration of veggies until caramelized. 
  8. In  the smallest pot you have, add balsamic vinegar.  Bring to a slight boil until reduced by half, about 7 min.  Then turn off heat.  
  9. Once veggies are done, remove and place cauliflower in food processor.  Blend with 1 tbsp butter, stock and cream.  When you've gotten a really smooth texture add to a large bowl and stir in onions.  
  10. Serve topped with squash, drizzle of balsamic glaze and fresh thyme.   


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