Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Skinny Chili

Here is the recipe for this chili I posted on my IG account a few weeks ago.  I call it skinny chili because its made with lean ground turkey, kidney beans, quinoa and couscous.  Guess I could have also called it "protein packed chili"! I topped it with ff greek yogurt and pickled jalapenos for some heat.

  • 1 Package lean ground turkey
  • 1 Can  organic tomato sauce
  • 1 Can low sodium red kidney beans
  • 1/2 Medium yellow onion chopped
  • 2 Cups (no sodium added) chicken broth
  • Heavy drizzle of olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp chili powder
  • 1 Tsp garlic and onion powder
  • 1/2 Tbsp oregano
  • 1/4 Tsp cayenne
  • 1/4 Tsp paprika
  • 1 Tsp cumin
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • FF plain greek yogurt
  • Pickled jalapenos 
  • 2 Cups cooked Quinoa 
  • 2 Cups cooked Couscous
  1. In a large soup pot, add olive oil and heat to medium-high.
  2. Add ground turkey and cook until brown.
  3. Add all other ingredients except, yogurt, jalapenos, couscous and quinoa. 
  4. Stir together and let simmer on low for about 30-45 minutes.
  5. While the chili is simmering, cook your quinoa and couscous according to package directions.  Once they are done, just combine.  
  6. Serve in a soup bowl with a scoop of quinoa/couscous mixture, then chili and top with the yogurt and jalapenos! 

Trip to Asheville, NC!

I can't believe I didn't post about my trip to Asheville, NC with my mom and sisters to visit the Biltmore!!! WOW! What an impressive architectural structure that place is.  I had never been to the Biltmore nor had I been to Asheville, needless to say I fell in love with that town.  The food was amazing, the people were super laid back and it just had a great organic vibe.  They are all about supporting local businesses, which is so refreshing.
When we arrived on Friday we immediately began looking for a great dinner spot and live music.  We ended up at Bouchon, a quaint little french spot that served french comfort food; it was delicious! Our table was crowded with bread, mussels, lobster ravioli, crab bisque and french fries, so so yummy! I did not get pictures of these eats but trust me, they were amazing.  After dinner we saw some live music by a guy who is known for writing music for the Avett Brothers, or has written for them, either way they were really talented and entertaining!
Saturday we ate breakfast at a super cute spot called Early Girl Eatery, where the servers are as colorful as the food is delicious! It has a very vintage vibe and feels as if you are eating in an old schoolhouse lunchroom.
After breakfast we headed back to the hotel to get the car to head to the Biltmore.  Like I said, I had never been and didn't realize the grandeur of the place until we pulled up to it.  It was still decorated for Christmas and it was beautiful! The hours and man work it takes to get that place ready is unbelievable.  We weren't allowed to take pictures inside so I only got a few outside shots. It was so impressive and I highly recommend going!

Now off to the The Omni Grove Park Inn!! Next time I go to Asheville, I will be staying here.  My mom has made a few trips to A-ville and always stays here, now I know why.  It is a huge historical hotel with a rock facade set atop Sunset Mountain.  When we entered the lobby, my sister and I both got a very "Overlook Hotel" vibe, you know, the hotel from The Shining? Stanley Kubric shining, not Stephen King, huge difference! Turns out there is an actual ghost story about the hotel so yeah, I kinda love it.  Anyway, we settled at a little table by the bar for a snack and a drink.  We opted for the cheese platter, duh! I still think about the pickles on this board on a daily basis.  I loved them so much I called the hotel after arriving back home to get the recipe; turns out they come from a company in ATL!! SCORE!! Now, to justify spending $30 on pickles...

 ----->  http://www.omnihotels.com/hotels/asheville-grove-park/property-details/history

We left the Grove, :( and headed back to the hotel to rest a bit before heading to dinner.  I cannot remember where we ate that night, but like every other meal, it was also superb.
Sunday morning arrives and it's time to head home, but first, breakfast!! I asked for suggestions and was told to go to Biscuit Head, so we did!  It like all the others, is local, small and full of character.  You wouldn't think much from the outside appearance but none of that matters after you taste the food! Ill just post this picture... :) Concluding our trip with this breakfast and snow flurries couldn't have been more perfect.  I had so much fun with my mom and sisters!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

italian White Bean and Bacon Soup

Whew! The holidays are officially over and I am not mad about it.  While I had another wonderful season with family, it seemed abnormally long and I for one, was ready for the new year and to begin working on new goals! I haven't posted in almost a month because we were so busy through December and began "revamping" our downstairs bed/bathroom the week of NYE.  My crazy determined and ambitious husband decided he was going to put up crown molding and chair rail...note: he has never done any type of wood work in his life but said "I can learn how!" And with a little help from his stepdad, a trip to home depot to purchase a table saw, nail gun and compressor, we now have crown molding in the bathroom and chair railing in the bedroom!! He did such a great job! Now for my part, painting it!!
Anyway, back to food.  I said I'd be making a lot of soups and stews once the really cold weather hit here in GA.  Last week it finally did! In true southern fashion, it went from 70 to 40 in a matter of a couple days.  So on the first super cold evening I made this soup! It is so easy and full of wintery herbs that lend so much flavor and comfort.
  • 2 Cans of cannellini beans
  • 2-4 Strips of bacon or turkey bacon
  • 1/2 Box veggie stock
  • 1/2 Med yellow onion (chopped)
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 1 Tsp cumin, garlic powder, onion powder
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 Sprig rosemary and thyme tied together with kitchen twine
  • 2 Sage leaves (finely chopped)
  • Shredded parmesan
  • Baguette (sliced)
  • Truffle oil
  1. Using a soup pot, place on medium-high heat, cut bacon over the pot into small pieces.  Cook until crisp then set aside.  
  2. Turn heat down a little and saute onion in bacon grease.  If you don't want to use bacon, just use a tbsp or so of olive oil.  
  3. Once onions are translucent, add garlic and stir until fragrant.  
  4. Add beans, stock and all herbs.  
  5. Simmer for about 20 minutes.
  6. Using a food processor, blender or immersion blender, ladle out half the soup and blend until smooth then add back to pot.  
  7. While the soup is still simmering, place baguette slices in the oven under HIGH broil.  KEEP ON EYE ON THESE BC THEY CAN BURN EASILY!!
  8. Once your bread is done, drizzle truffle oil on them, ladle soup into soup bowls and top with parmesan, bacon and toast.  

** Serving size: 4-5