Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Skinny Chili

Here is the recipe for this chili I posted on my IG account a few weeks ago.  I call it skinny chili because its made with lean ground turkey, kidney beans, quinoa and couscous.  Guess I could have also called it "protein packed chili"! I topped it with ff greek yogurt and pickled jalapenos for some heat.

  • 1 Package lean ground turkey
  • 1 Can  organic tomato sauce
  • 1 Can low sodium red kidney beans
  • 1/2 Medium yellow onion chopped
  • 2 Cups (no sodium added) chicken broth
  • Heavy drizzle of olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp chili powder
  • 1 Tsp garlic and onion powder
  • 1/2 Tbsp oregano
  • 1/4 Tsp cayenne
  • 1/4 Tsp paprika
  • 1 Tsp cumin
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • FF plain greek yogurt
  • Pickled jalapenos 
  • 2 Cups cooked Quinoa 
  • 2 Cups cooked Couscous
  1. In a large soup pot, add olive oil and heat to medium-high.
  2. Add ground turkey and cook until brown.
  3. Add all other ingredients except, yogurt, jalapenos, couscous and quinoa. 
  4. Stir together and let simmer on low for about 30-45 minutes.
  5. While the chili is simmering, cook your quinoa and couscous according to package directions.  Once they are done, just combine.  
  6. Serve in a soup bowl with a scoop of quinoa/couscous mixture, then chili and top with the yogurt and jalapenos! 

Trip to Asheville, NC!

I can't believe I didn't post about my trip to Asheville, NC with my mom and sisters to visit the Biltmore!!! WOW! What an impressive architectural structure that place is.  I had never been to the Biltmore nor had I been to Asheville, needless to say I fell in love with that town.  The food was amazing, the people were super laid back and it just had a great organic vibe.  They are all about supporting local businesses, which is so refreshing.
When we arrived on Friday we immediately began looking for a great dinner spot and live music.  We ended up at Bouchon, a quaint little french spot that served french comfort food; it was delicious! Our table was crowded with bread, mussels, lobster ravioli, crab bisque and french fries, so so yummy! I did not get pictures of these eats but trust me, they were amazing.  After dinner we saw some live music by a guy who is known for writing music for the Avett Brothers, or has written for them, either way they were really talented and entertaining!
Saturday we ate breakfast at a super cute spot called Early Girl Eatery, where the servers are as colorful as the food is delicious! It has a very vintage vibe and feels as if you are eating in an old schoolhouse lunchroom.
After breakfast we headed back to the hotel to get the car to head to the Biltmore.  Like I said, I had never been and didn't realize the grandeur of the place until we pulled up to it.  It was still decorated for Christmas and it was beautiful! The hours and man work it takes to get that place ready is unbelievable.  We weren't allowed to take pictures inside so I only got a few outside shots. It was so impressive and I highly recommend going!

Now off to the The Omni Grove Park Inn!! Next time I go to Asheville, I will be staying here.  My mom has made a few trips to A-ville and always stays here, now I know why.  It is a huge historical hotel with a rock facade set atop Sunset Mountain.  When we entered the lobby, my sister and I both got a very "Overlook Hotel" vibe, you know, the hotel from The Shining? Stanley Kubric shining, not Stephen King, huge difference! Turns out there is an actual ghost story about the hotel so yeah, I kinda love it.  Anyway, we settled at a little table by the bar for a snack and a drink.  We opted for the cheese platter, duh! I still think about the pickles on this board on a daily basis.  I loved them so much I called the hotel after arriving back home to get the recipe; turns out they come from a company in ATL!! SCORE!! Now, to justify spending $30 on pickles...

 ----->  http://www.omnihotels.com/hotels/asheville-grove-park/property-details/history

We left the Grove, :( and headed back to the hotel to rest a bit before heading to dinner.  I cannot remember where we ate that night, but like every other meal, it was also superb.
Sunday morning arrives and it's time to head home, but first, breakfast!! I asked for suggestions and was told to go to Biscuit Head, so we did!  It like all the others, is local, small and full of character.  You wouldn't think much from the outside appearance but none of that matters after you taste the food! Ill just post this picture... :) Concluding our trip with this breakfast and snow flurries couldn't have been more perfect.  I had so much fun with my mom and sisters!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

italian White Bean and Bacon Soup

Whew! The holidays are officially over and I am not mad about it.  While I had another wonderful season with family, it seemed abnormally long and I for one, was ready for the new year and to begin working on new goals! I haven't posted in almost a month because we were so busy through December and began "revamping" our downstairs bed/bathroom the week of NYE.  My crazy determined and ambitious husband decided he was going to put up crown molding and chair rail...note: he has never done any type of wood work in his life but said "I can learn how!" And with a little help from his stepdad, a trip to home depot to purchase a table saw, nail gun and compressor, we now have crown molding in the bathroom and chair railing in the bedroom!! He did such a great job! Now for my part, painting it!!
Anyway, back to food.  I said I'd be making a lot of soups and stews once the really cold weather hit here in GA.  Last week it finally did! In true southern fashion, it went from 70 to 40 in a matter of a couple days.  So on the first super cold evening I made this soup! It is so easy and full of wintery herbs that lend so much flavor and comfort.
  • 2 Cans of cannellini beans
  • 2-4 Strips of bacon or turkey bacon
  • 1/2 Box veggie stock
  • 1/2 Med yellow onion (chopped)
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 1 Tsp cumin, garlic powder, onion powder
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 Sprig rosemary and thyme tied together with kitchen twine
  • 2 Sage leaves (finely chopped)
  • Shredded parmesan
  • Baguette (sliced)
  • Truffle oil
  1. Using a soup pot, place on medium-high heat, cut bacon over the pot into small pieces.  Cook until crisp then set aside.  
  2. Turn heat down a little and saute onion in bacon grease.  If you don't want to use bacon, just use a tbsp or so of olive oil.  
  3. Once onions are translucent, add garlic and stir until fragrant.  
  4. Add beans, stock and all herbs.  
  5. Simmer for about 20 minutes.
  6. Using a food processor, blender or immersion blender, ladle out half the soup and blend until smooth then add back to pot.  
  7. While the soup is still simmering, place baguette slices in the oven under HIGH broil.  KEEP ON EYE ON THESE BC THEY CAN BURN EASILY!!
  8. Once your bread is done, drizzle truffle oil on them, ladle soup into soup bowls and top with parmesan, bacon and toast.  

** Serving size: 4-5

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Orange Sesame Chicken

I love everything about Asian food; from the soft crunch of a water chestnut to the sweet and spicy sauces, I love it all! What I love about this particular dish is the sweet and tangy elements it yields.  And if you'd like, you can even make it a little spicy.
Orange chicken is super easy to make at home because it doesn't require some of the more difficult-to-find ingredients like some others.  Most of the ingredients in this dish I keep on hand but you may want to check your kitchen before hand.  
2 Chicken breast (cut into bite sized pieces)
1 cup jasmine rice
1 tbsp flour
1/2 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tbsp red chili sauce
2 tbsp orange marmalade
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tbsp agave nectar or honey
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 tsp sesame oil
Green onion for garnish
Drizzle of olive oil for cooking chicken

  1. In a large plastic bag combine chicken with flour and corn starch.  Shake until chicken is coated.
  2. In a large sauce pan, drizzle olive oil, enough to cover entire pan and turn on med-high heat.
  3. While your oil is heating up, get your rice going.
  4. Using tongs, add chicken to pan making one layer.  Cook on all sides until golden brown.  (you'll probably have to do two batches) 
  5. After your chicken is golden brown, place on a paper toweled plate.  Repeat until all chicken is used.  
  6. Set your chicken aside and add all other ingredients, except sesame seeds and green onions to the pan.  Simmer on low until thickened, whisking every few minutes.  If you find it to be too thin after about 7 minutes, stir in a little cornstarch.  
  7. Once your sauce has thickened, add your chicken and sesame seeds to the pan and stir until coated.
  8. Serve over rice and garnish with sliced green onion.  

Carrot-Ginger Soup

Hello all!! Been a while.  I hope everyone had a great Turkey day! Are ya'll ready for Christmas?  Christmas!! I cannot believe it's only 10 days away, so crazy! The time is just flying by.  None of this has anything to do with the recipe I am about to post but as I sit here in my kitchen looking at all my Christmas decor, I just can't help but think how it feels like the Holidays were just here!
Anyway, in the midst of all this crazy holiday business, here's a super yummy and quick soup you can whip up on those nights or days, you don't feel like spending a lot of time on a meal.
I love creamy soups and bisques and this hit the spot! I bought a bunch of carrots for beef stew but didn't end up making it so I decided I'd just make a carrot soup.  I had intentions on a carrot thai soup using coconut milk but forgot it at the store!! I swear, in my older age, if I don't make a list I will surely forget at least one item, dives me nuts! I luckily had some cream to help make it a bit smoother.  Cream is something that I went from never having in my fridge, to having all the time since Fall began...not complaining though.
The thyme and truffle oil really help give this a woodsy taste that goes great with this "cold" weather we are having here GA. And the greek yogurt is a cool compliment to the kick the cayenne gives.
3 large carrots (peeled and chopped into similar sized pieces)
1/2 shallot (thinly sliced)
1 garlic clove (roughly chopped)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tbsp ground ginger
Sprinkle of Paprika
2 sprigs thyme
2 1/2 -3 sups veggie stock
Splash of cream
Dolop of ff greek yogurt
Drizzle of olive oil
Truffle oil

  1. Drizzle olive oil in a soup pot over medium heat.
  2. Add shallot and garlic.  Saute until tender.
  3. Add veggie stock and carrots.  Bring to a low boil and then let simmer until carrots are tender.
  4. Once carrots are tender, turn off heat and let cool for about ten minutes.
  5. Using a blender or food processor, add mixture and blend until smooth.   
  6. Add mixture back to pot over low heat and add cayenne, ginger, a splash of cream and the leaves of 1 thyme sprig.  Stir together and let heat back up. 
  7. Serve with a dollop of greek yogurt, more thyme leaves, drizzle of truffle oil and a sprinkle of paprika on top.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Roasted Cauliflower Mash and Acorn Squash topped with a Balsamic Reduction

Since Turkey Day is a mere two days away, I thought I'd share this extremely yummy (and different) side dish.  I REALLY love cauliflower mash! So much that I use a whole head and eat it all myself within 2 sittings.  I generally make it on its own but this last time I was cooking for just myself so I decided to umph it up.  I've made cauliflower mash before but never have I cooked acorn squash.  To be honest it was a pain in the ass to cut and cube but very tasty!
Although this dish ate like a vegetarian meal, you could totally have it as a side dish.  You can simply put the mash in a large serving dish, top it with the squash, then drizzle with balsamic reduction.
I had this for dinner and lunch the next day but broken down its probably about 4-6 servings.

I hope ya'll have a super Turkey Day with the ones you love and are most thankful for!! Gobble Gobble!!

1 head cauliflower
1 small yellow onion (sliced)
1 acorn squash (cubed)
1/4 Cup balsamic vinegar
Drizzle of olive oil
2 Tbsp butter
2/3 Cup veggie stock
Heavy splash of whipping cream
Several sprigs of thyme
Chili powder

  1. Cut your head of cauliflower in half.  Remove green leaves, and cut off as much of the stalks as possible, then pull apart and cut until you have them all separated.
  2. Link on how to properly cut an acorn squash: http://www.marthastewart.com/973767/how-cut-acorn-squash
  3. After you have your cauliflower and squash cut, place them on a large roasting pan; one on each side.
  4. Toss the cauliflower in olive oil, salt pepper and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper.
  5. Toss the squash with olive oil, sprinkle of cinnamon and chipotle powder.  
  6. Roast on 350 for about 30 min. 
  7. In the mean time, slice your onion then add it to a small sauce pan over medium heat with a drizzle of olive oil and 1 tbsp butter.  Cook the duration of veggies until caramelized. 
  8. In  the smallest pot you have, add balsamic vinegar.  Bring to a slight boil until reduced by half, about 7 min.  Then turn off heat.  
  9. Once veggies are done, remove and place cauliflower in food processor.  Blend with 1 tbsp butter, stock and cream.  When you've gotten a really smooth texture add to a large bowl and stir in onions.  
  10. Serve topped with squash, drizzle of balsamic glaze and fresh thyme.   


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mexican Chicken and Rice Soup

Throughout this Fall/Winter you will see a lot of soups, chilis and stews from me.  They are easy, comforting and warm you to your core on those chilly winter nights. Not to mention they feed a crowd and leftovers are easy to freeze and take out at a later date.
This soup is full of flavor, low carb and low sodium.  If you can, cook your chicken in a crock pot so it's easier to shred but if you don't have time, just cook it on a low boil in some chicken or veggie broth on the stove; that is what I did because I didn't know I was making it until I left work.
This would be a great alternative to tacos on taco tuesday! Its really tasty, healthy and fast for you busy families!

2 Chicken breast shredded
1 Can petite diced tomatoes
1 Can low sodium black beans
1/2 Yellow onion chopped
1 Garlic clove minced
1 32 oz Swanson Tortilla flavored broth
Juice of 1/2 a lime
1 Cup cooked brown rice
Good handful of cilantro roughly chopped
Avocado slices

  1. In a med sized pot add your chicken breast and cover with veggie or chicken broth.  Lightly boil chicken for about 20 minutes.
  2. While your chicken is cooking make your rice. Once its done just turn off heat. (Cooking time will vary depending on what kind you get)
  3. When the chicken is done, set aside and let cool.  When cooled, shred with a fork.
  4. Drizzle olive oil in large pot over med heat.  Saute onion until tender then add garlic.
  5. Add black beans, tomatoes, chicken, lime juice, half of cilantro, and stock.  
  6. Stir together and let simmer for about 10 min.  
  7. Serve over rice and top with cilantro and avocado slices.