Friday, October 2, 2015

Mixed Tortelloni with Creamy Tomato Sauce 

Heres a super quick dinner for ya!! And one inspired by the husband.  He text me at 9 o'clock in the morning suggesting ravioli for dinner. Um yeah, sure! Not sure what made you think of ravioli at 9 in the morning but whatever. Since I was working later I told him to just get store bought; he ended up bringing home three boxes of different Tortelloni: chicken & prosciutto, cheese & roasted garlic and sweet Italian sausage by Buitoni. 
For the base of the sauce I used 2 tbsp of the sauce from the paprika chicken. Don't worry you don't have to make all of that sauce for this but I will tell you how to make just a little of it. Super easy!  You also don't have to use all three types of Tortelloni you can just pick one or two.

  • Your choice of Tortelloni (an entire pack for just 1 kind, half or less for 2 packs or more) 
  • 2 tbsp paprika sauce (if you don't have this previously made just melt 2 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp stock, splash of white wine, add 1 minced garlic clove, chopped fresh sage, 1/4 tsp paprika, and whisk) 
  • 1 1/2 tbsp tomato paste 
  • 2 tbsp stock 
  • 1/2 cup cream 
  • Handful of shredded Parmesan cheese
  • Two handfuls of baby spinach (optional) 
  1. Start a pot of water on the stove for Tortelloni. 
  2. In a sauce pan add paprika sauce and tomato paste. Whisk until blended. 
  3. Turn off heat and boil pasta according to package directions. 
  4. Once the pasta is almost done, Add cream to sauce and whisk then add cheese whisking until smooth. 
  5. Drain pasta. 
  6. Add spinach to sauce and stir until wilted. 
  7. Add pasta to sauce and toss together until well coated. 
  8. Serve with a little Parmesan on top.  

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