Friday, October 2, 2015

Southwest Breakfast Skillet

On the weekends we like to sleep in...who doesn't? By the time we roll our asses out of bed it's time for brunch! This is what I whipped up Sunday morning. Super easy and really good! I would have served bloody Mary's with it but didn't even think about it at the time, which is quite shocking. 

  • 2 cups Hash browns
  • 1/2 cup seasoned black beans  
  • 1/3 cup diced tomatoes 
  • 4 oz chorizo 
  • 1-3 eggs (I only had one on hand) 
  • Goat cheese 
  • Salsa verde 
  • Fresh cilantro 
  1. Cook hash browns according to instructions on bag; in a pan with olive oil on high heat and until crispy. 
  2. Cook chorizo in separate pan and add to hash browns when they are done. 
  3. Add beans and tomatoes to hash browns and mix. 
  4. Crack eggs on top then cover with a lid and let cook about 5 minutes.
  5. Remove lid, crumble goat cheese on top and drizzle salsa verde all over already my with cilantro. 
  6. EAT that shit! Would be good with som sour cream too! 

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