Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Brunswick Stew

Last weekend we went to SC to my sisters to celebrate our oldest sister and her husband's birthdays.  They are only a few days apart and have known each other their whole lives, pretty neat huh?  For dinner we had bbq chicken with the great southern staples: baked beans, collards and mac n cheese.  And for dessert we had two yummy cakes! I won't go into detail about almost ruining my brother in laws cake but I will say that his was a beautiful vanilla-vanilla made by his wife, because he doesn't care for chocolate.  It somehow ended up with crushed whoppers all over it! OOPS!! MY BAD! It was entirely my fault...hope he's forgiven me.
Anyway, we had a lot of chicken leftover and I was kicking myself on our ride home sunday because I didn't take any with me. I thought I would've loved to have used it to make brunswick stew.  I text the sister who's house we had left and gave her the idea.  She has a brut of a husband and two little ones so I knew this would be an easy and filling dinner for them. I of course was craving brunswick stew at this point and realized I did not need leftover bbq chicken to make it.  Upon arriving home, I took my happy ass to the store to gather all my ingredients.  I spent all afternoon cooking only to have my husband, who had been golfing, ask if I wanted to come meet him and his buddies for sushi and that we could have the stew the next night, it'll be even better then he said.  True! So I quickly changed clothes and headed for sushi.  It was delicious! And on monday night I reheated the stew and it was even better than it would've been the night before! I have eaten it several times already and plan on taking some to work for lunch today! So, if you can, make this a day ahead. This was perfect for this yucky rainy cold weather we've had all week.  
I would also love to post my collard recipe even though I did not take a picture of them.  I am pretty sure I have perfected my recipe;)
2 Chicken breast
1 1/2 cups Stubbs bbq sauce (I used the spicy)
1 Can whole kernel corn
1 Can crushed tomatoes
1/2 Yellow onion chopped
1 Large garlic clove minced
1/2 14oz bag of lima beans
2 Cups beef or chicken stock
1/2 Tbsp yellow mustard
1 Tbsp chipotle sauce
1/2 Tbsp olive oil 
1 Tbsp butter
1/2 Cup apple cider vinegar (or less if you don't care for vinegar but do NOT leave it out completely)
1 Bay leaf
1/2 Tbsp garlic and onion powder
1/4 Tsp mustard powder
Sriracha (optional)
Salt & Pepper to taste

  1. Start by cooking your chicken in the crockpot with the bbq sauce on high for a few hours.  Let cool, then shred and set aside until you're ready to make the stew.
  2. In a large pot or dutch oven over med high heat, add oil and butter.
  3. Add chopped onion and saute until tender then add garlic and cook a min more.
  4. Add all other ingredients, including shredded chicken, and let simmer for 45 minutes to an hour.
* If you want to grill your chicken first to get a good char on it, you can but then I would still recommend putting it in the crock pot to finish cooking because this allows it to get really tender and makes shredding it super easy.

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